We invite you to join us once more for our annual Color Blast Fun Run fundraiser, the most significant event of our school year. Your past generosity has been invaluable, and we are grateful for your ongoing support.
This year, your contributions will support field trip expenses, student enrichment programs, school-wide celebrations, recognition of teachers and staff, classroom grants, after-school activities, and much more.
We encourage each student to aim for a fundraising goal of $100, with the opportunity to exceed this amount if they wish. As with previous years, we will distribute prizes at certain milestones. For details, please consult the packet provided to your student or use this link to take you directly to our fundraiser website.
On October 25th, all students will take part in the fun run, an event that promises a lively time filled with activity, as well as a celebration of their dedication to the fundraiser.
How the Color Run Works
As the children run their hearts out around an outdoor course, specified individuals will be
applying a cornstarch base color dye as the kids run past. Don't worry - it washes out. The PTA is providing all students with shirts to wear during the run. Those will be handed out by staff before the run.
The kickoff to the Color Run is October 14th. All children will be sent home with packets of
information explaining the fundraiser and how to track donations. Daily fundraising goals will be encouraged and rewarded by the PTA.
The run will be held on October 25th and lasts about 30-40 minutes (warm up through cool down) and equates to an average of 30 laps.
Online payments will be available and encouraged during the fundraiser. All information for this is available on the website.
Parents are invited to come out to the Color Run and support their students. The running
times will be announced closer to the run. The kids love to be high fived and cheered over the finish line
by their families.
We are always looking for volunteers and now would be a great opportunity for you to
support your kids in a unique way during this fun event. If you would like to help, please email us at
Thank English Crossing Elementary families and friends for all your support!